Project Focus

The purpose of this RFP is to engage a government/public relations firm/professional consultant to assist the Partnership for Better Health and our Community Policy and Engagement Committee in developing a systematic approach to build the policy advocacy capacity of partner organizations in our geographic region:

  • Develop a systematic process for identifying and promoting reliable sources for calls to action that align with the Partnership’s mission and priorities.
  • Develop strategies that align with our capacity to advance efforts for at least each priority focus area, linking to Social Determinants of Health and/or Health Equity.
  • Develop suggested ways to include funding for advocacy activities of local and potentially state nonprofit partners into our grantmaking offerings

Our anticipated outcomes are as follows:

  • The Partnership has a clear approach and messaging strategy for ongoing advocacy work through grantmaking and direct advocacy;
  • Improved relationships with elected officials and/or administrative leaders; and
  • Increased advocacy capacity among grantees (measure to be determined based upon grantmaking strategy to be determined).

We seek a consultant that brings deep expertise in guiding the advocacy work of nonprofit organizations and familiarity with 501(c)(3) limitations in lobbying.  Consultants with significant experience working on health-related advocacy efforts in Pennsylvania, and specifically with communications to state and local elected officials, are encouraged to apply. Proposals are due on September 16, 2019, to the Partnership for Better Health. A scope of work, proposal requirements, project timeline and application instructions are shared below: